Other Hangouts

Friday, 7 November 2008

It's Been One Of Those Days...........

My computer went doolally earlier and my broadband packed up, and I started having withdrawal symptoms and heart palpatations. Thanks to AOL tech staff though I got it all tickety-boo again. I have a love/hate relationship with the internet and my computer. I hate it because neither of them will bend to my bidding as I want them to, but I cannot live without them either.

The day was also confounded by the fact that my older dog Titch decided to eat one of hubbies new tartan slippers (I hate them too he looks about a trillion years old wearing those baffies). Titch hasn't done this since he was young, and I think it may have been because he had bile in his stomach and needed some grass to chew on (apparantly the sap in it neutralises the acid in the gut). I thought here we go, he's going to moan all night about the loss of his precious slippers (cue image of Gollum saying, "My Preeeeeeeecious").

Now I had a choice to either hide the evidence and feign innocence, or plead that the dogs getting old, is stupid, and for hubby not to give him dirty looks and scowls because of his age. I can't help it -Titch is my buddy, my comfort, my crutch (and he keeps my feet warm of a cold night) , and I hate to see his eyes looking all googly at me if he's told off. He always does that you know. He always looked at me when hubby or one of the kids ever told him off , or tried to move his butt off the sofa, expecting me to save him from his reprimand, or let him keep his favourite seating spot (which I always did).

Funny enough, and to my surprise, hubby just tutted and never give him so much as an eye roll. It was then that I realised it just might be fun to get old, you can get away with murder, and probably get up to all sorts of escapades. Im going to bear that in mind, when I'm in my dotage.

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