Other Hangouts

Saturday 15 May 2010

Hello Mum!

My mum now has internet, and I know she's reading this tonight. So hello Mum, and I love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Saturday 8 May 2010


Ceres, Roman earth Goddess and Mother of Persphone. Her daughter was abducted by Hades, who was God of the Underworld.

What a load of cobbles...........

All that faffing about and furore and what do we get? We get a hung parliament,which will no doubt end in us all having to pile out to vote again a month down the line. Shheesh....

And wheres the sun gone? It's bloody freezing again.

Had a dream the other night about an angel. Here she is.

Thursday 15 April 2010

Poles, Proms and Honking Pheasants.

Yesterday Hubs and I must have looked like a right pair of eejits to the neighbours. We discoverd that the campervan (aka Cuthbert) also came with a 'Handy Tent'. Well that's what the label said anyhows. We decided to have a practice run, and proceeded to try and set it up out the front of our home. I whacked myself with a couple of tent poles and couldn't make head nor tail of the instructions. I think using the word 'Handy' was a tad optimistic. It's only handy if you can get it up.

The other day I went to Cannock with the youngest to get a Prom dress. Amazingly there was no swearing obsceneties, and no screaming fits. Found a lovley dress and she looked really grown up. Must admit I got a lump in my throat. Not sure if that was just because I know she will look beautiful, or the fact that the whole kaboosh was costing a bloody fortune. Is she worth it? Yeah...............

Been in the garden weeding and making a new little veg plot........ The pheasants over the back field have young and the stressy momma keeps making a noise that makes me jump. The dogs go doolally everytime it's out there. It's like something out of a coyote wiley cartoon. The pheasants even make a honking noise similar to that ruddy road runner.

Thursday 1 April 2010

Maggie V. Jones Rabbits And Rambles

Brought a new campervan and called him Cuthbert. Expecting to spend many a happy time out on the road with him. May he live a long and useful life. ;)

Saturday 27 March 2010

Celtic Princess

I had originally used my daughter's face as a reference but she didnt like being the subject (yet again), so I changed the face. She's blue because I wanted to make it look like she has woad dye painted on to her face.

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Senses Beyond My Window

Crescadoing trills
A splish splashing tinkling glass
Galloping of neighs

Sweet sap of greening
Wafts from brushed past rosemary
damp dog, and bog pond

Sun motes, dazzling hues
Bulging bulbs, from rich dark soil
Crocus peeking through

Thursday 4 March 2010

The West Wind

A quick little sketch I did in Corel Painter, using the chalk, pencils and water colour brushes/pens......... Just playing around with some ideas...........
Funny isn't it, how theres never a policeman around when you need one, yet as soon as you drop a crisp on the floor a whole flying squad appears? Or there's the scenario where you are waiting for the number 22 bus to turn up and it dosen't for ages, then a fleet of them come trundling down the street? Well that's a bit like my postings. Nowt for yonks, then a rake of them to bore you to death. Enjoy.

Blimey The Sun's Out!

I kid you not, the sun is actually shining outside! I was able to go out earlier and hang up a tonne of freshly washed laundry onto the line, without fear of rain, and with the hope of having a good darn chance of it actually drying. The dogs are now trying to wrestle each other out the way to hog the sun rays that are filtering through the window. Funny enough, I actually have a stinking head cold though. Sods law that is...........

Dryads sketch..............

Friday 26 February 2010

The Siren Sings

I know she scares me too. And yet strangely enough, her song lures me, and I still feel like I want to sink down into the pools of her eyes ......................

The Mermaid & The Seals

Monday 15 February 2010


To illustrate a poem............... When it's finished

Saturday 13 February 2010

Go wii Go

God I love those wii game consoles. Hubs brought me the wii fit board at xmas and Ive lost nearly half a stone. Recently I also brought the dance revolution software and dance mat to use on it and its fandabbydozee. I admit Im no John Travolta, but even I can do a basic stomp. I won't be rushing out and buying any spangly boob tubes anytime soon though. Any disco diva-ing will be definately confined to the privacy of my own living-room. I could frighten people.

Been working on a jester piece and also one with a phoenix............ Will post soon....

Went to our Daughters parents evening the other night and she made us proud with the teachers comments. Lovely kid and a hard worker,who deserves to do well in her coming exams, apparently............ However, shes like a banshee at home, so Its like they were talking about two different people. Her art teacher surprised me too. She said our kid is a good organiser. I thought to myself, you should see the bomb site that is her bedroom at home. It's about as organised as a bowl of spaghetti, and she cant find anything. I just sat there dazed and smiled and nodded a lot. On the way home hubs and I chuckled.

Catch Up

Err it's been nearly four months since my last confession (er I mean blog update). Well theres never enough hours in the day is there? Anyway, to summarise, Ive given up the market stall as I think I will make more by selling online and also by doing casual markets across the local counties from the Spring through to the Summer months, without having to tie myself up to a hefty rent outlay. Im not sad really, as it's served its purpose as a learning experience, and showed me I enjoy market trading. I never lost anything either, just breaking even really. As a whole the venue was suffering though, as other stalls werent doing too hot there either. I dont just blame a recession, it just seems to have seen its day, and no new customers were coming in. The venue is outdated and dosent attract the younger generation. I felt like it would be a lost cause and I wanted to hang on to my best remaining stock in order to have something to sell off in the following summer months. Also it means more time for my art, which was a major factor for me. ................. Riiiight, onwards and upwards eh?