Other Hangouts

Thursday 15 April 2010

Poles, Proms and Honking Pheasants.

Yesterday Hubs and I must have looked like a right pair of eejits to the neighbours. We discoverd that the campervan (aka Cuthbert) also came with a 'Handy Tent'. Well that's what the label said anyhows. We decided to have a practice run, and proceeded to try and set it up out the front of our home. I whacked myself with a couple of tent poles and couldn't make head nor tail of the instructions. I think using the word 'Handy' was a tad optimistic. It's only handy if you can get it up.

The other day I went to Cannock with the youngest to get a Prom dress. Amazingly there was no swearing obsceneties, and no screaming fits. Found a lovley dress and she looked really grown up. Must admit I got a lump in my throat. Not sure if that was just because I know she will look beautiful, or the fact that the whole kaboosh was costing a bloody fortune. Is she worth it? Yeah...............

Been in the garden weeding and making a new little veg plot........ The pheasants over the back field have young and the stressy momma keeps making a noise that makes me jump. The dogs go doolally everytime it's out there. It's like something out of a coyote wiley cartoon. The pheasants even make a honking noise similar to that ruddy road runner.

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