Other Hangouts

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Mint, Mutts & Mad Heads

Jet is none to pleased. She was having a nice little nap with lion and ellie when I woke her up to take some daft photograph.

So I had a little wander in the garden with Titch to look at the mint and the ever amassing weeds.

As you can see the ivy is threatening to cover my back wall, and the rosemary bush further along looks like something out of the day of the triffids. I must get some weeding done sharpish. Iv'e been so busy with the allotment that the garden tended to be overlooked.

Here be my flower-pot man. Hubs and I sit on the garden seat and try and ping his terracotta pot hat with tiny pebbles. Hubs always wins, my aim is way off. You can't ever accuse us of not being sophisticated or acting our age eh?

Around the pond needs trimming down. My Aztec Pearl has become somewhat unruly. I love it in the early spring when it grows little pearl-like buds, and if your rub the leaves it smells of oranges. There are fish in there somewhere. 'Somewhere' being the operative word.

Now for the 'Mad Heads' part of my post. Here they are, my daughter and grandson.

1 comment:

Casey Wolf said...

Great photos, Maggie!

Stop Violence (Violets?) Against Flower-pot Men!